I have a dream Everyone has a dream. But how many of us have courage and luck to spend all the time, head, energy to follow it? There are too many things and duties to do in daily life and at the end of the day, you may almost forget about your dream, don’t you? ‘But life without a dream is the one which isn’t completed. So just believe in yourself, try hard whenever you can and be patient to catch up your dream!’, I often say that to myself. My dream is, one day in the future, I can earn a living from my paintings, and to give other painters a hand to advertise their beautiful art works to more people. How about you? What is your dream, guys? Xoxoxo Hanna Painting 'Sunset in Levanto' created by Hanna Painter , 30cmx30cm, acrylic, costs 125 euro. Hancreativeworld@gmail.com Stylist and photo colour by Hanna Painter Outfits: fashion shoes Osvaldo Rossi, belt made in Italy 65, dress Mango, green flower ring Cuoc song voi bao bon be nhung lo toan thuong ...