My painting N7 What can I tell you about my new painting? Well, I began to create it about two months ago and finished my art work this month. The travel to Italy and France with its sad moment , because our grandmother passed away, made me feel blue to paint. I painted what my head told me to paint. And that story in my head and soul, for this painting, I prefer to keep it for myself :). I was not yet happy of my work but my art teacher tell me that's fine and I'd better stop with it here. If you are interested in this painting, do not hesitate to send me an email to Hancreativeworld@gmail.com . Thank you so much! I wish you a nice day! xxx Han Painting acrylic 30x30cm. Photos for the look by TD Stylish and photo colour for the look by Han Wat kan ik vertellen over mijn nieuwe schilderij? Nou, ik begon met creƫren ongeveer twee maanden geleden en eindige dit kunstwerk deze maand. Tussendoor ben ik naar Italiƫ en Frankrijk gereist vanwege het ov...