Swimming - a good way to feel happy

Hello my girls,

Most of us here are mothers or will be a mother in the future. We will experience a difficult but happy moment of 9-month-pregnancy, even much longer than that as in my case. In today post, there is not something about fashion. I just would like to share with you one of my good experiences to get out of stress and have balance in this very special moment.

Some of my dears here may notice that I'm pregnant in the latest posts. Yes, I'm in my last days of pregnancy and I'm very happy. At the same time, I also must find a way to get out of stress and feel happy. It's not only good for myself but also for my little one who is growing daily in my body and gets direct effection from how I feel. 

There are many good ways to feel happy from my own experiences: positive thinkings in all situations, walking, talking with your beloved ones. They are your mother, sister, your closed friends, your husband or boyfriends etc...

Everyone like to do different things to feel good. And for me, one of the great things to do is swimming. Swimming and talking with my child at the same time. I can feel that my baby is happy to swim with me, too <3 

I'm happy when we swim together and I can feel my baby is content, too.

What was your own experience? Or if you're not yet pregnant :)) what activities make you feel happy, my dears? I'd love to hear from yours xoxo Hanna

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