English I made my gardens full of biodiversity (part 1) Six years ago, when we bought our second house, with a very good price, there were many useless things to throw away. Thanks to the help of our good neighbors like Mr. Jan, Bart, Jaco and his boys and also other people, we have taken all those things to make our green garden. I should say the gardens because there were three: one in front of, another behind and another next to the house. When we sold this house, I really missed the green gardens with lots of fruit plants, flowers, perfumes and even lots of salads and vegetables those I had put. I'm not sure if I will make another garden such beautiful, variety and full of bio diversity like this. Who knows, maybe some years later? Do you also like gardening?! xxxx Hanna Italian Ho fatto i miei giardini pieni di bio diversita' (P. 1) Sei anni fa, quando abbiamo comprato la nostra precedente casa, con un prezzo molto buono, c'erano ta...