Lost in tulip field I'm so in love with the beauty of tulip fields and I didn't miss any opportunity to make some photos with them, even when I didn't prepare for it. The endless tulip fields are very impressive, aren't they? Have a good weekend, everyone! Can't wait to see your new photos, too. Greetings from Holland xxxxHanna Mot trong nhung dieu lam ban an tuong ve dat nuoc Ha Lan chinh la nhung canh dong hoa tulip bat tan, du mau sac. Moi lan co co hoi den tham mot canh dong hoa toi deu ko bo lo co hoi chup lai vai buc anh cung chung, ca nhung luc trong khong duoc tuom tat cho lam nhu the nay. Hoa ai lai khong yeu?! <3 Visit or follow me on: Instagram Lookbook Google+ Facebook Youtube